5 New Mama Must Haves That You Never Knew You Needed!
We’re bringing you the top recommended must haves for first time mamas to conquer motherhood--brought to you by our VIP Facebook group!
In all honesty, being a mom is not all sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time--and that’s ok! Especially, when you're a new mama, you gotta learn as you go and find your own flow. But, you don’t have to do it alone! The BB community has ALWAYS got your back, and we keep it real ❤️ We asked our BB VIP group to give us some of their new mom essentials that helped them own motherhood. Without further ado, here is the inside scoop on the real-mama must haves!

"Swaddles with Velcro! They were lifesavers with all 3 because they can’t wiggle out of them like they can a blanket." - Lauren T., VIP member
2. A super organized diaper bag that is good quality to withstand spills, drops, and much more! It is highly likely that this bag will soon take on the purpose of your purse as well, so look out for a bag with many pockets, easy to clean, and a good size to fit your personal needs!
“Something that isn’t too small or too big--it can make all the difference” - Arianna, VIP member
3. If you're planning on nursing, you will definitely need a portable and electric breast pump on your side! This is a huge time-saver and the ultimate multitasking mom gadget--get your to-do list completed while preparing your babe’s next bottle!
"For me.. an Electric pump & breastmilk storage bags!" - Lauren G, VIP member
4. This item was highly recommended from our community poll, so make sure to snag a Frida Mom postpartum kit! Postpartum recovery planning for mama is just as important as essentials for baby. Frida Mom has peri bottles, witch hazel pad liners, and much more all in one handy kit!
"Frida mom postpartum kit for momma(make sure you get the perineal bottle)" - Heather, VIP member
5. What every mom, at every stage, needs is a community of moms to share stories with, get/give advice, or just have a kid-free chat! That’s what we hope to facilitate in our Bailey’s Blossoms VIP group! That sense of community that you can always turn to for all the things. If you’re not a member yet, click here to join the party!
"Just had my first baby and our life savers have been...a couple really great friends to call and chat with(her support system outside of significant other)" - Heather, VIP member
P.S. A great way to welcome your new baby girl is with a darling wardrobe! Our subscription box gives your little one 5 exclusive items to crawl in style! And the best part, we grow with your babe--change the size of your box as you go!
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